Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The way we look at things!!

A strange thing happened while we were in Dickinson, ND. We decided to go to Theodore Roosevelt National Park to get a look at the Badlands. Well, we drove the 36 mile loop in the park and even though we saw some buffalo and a couple of horses, we never saw anything that made us stop the car and want to get a closer look at. We did stop once, because I saw some scrubs with silvery looking leaves, which turned out to be sage and smelled great.

If we would have gone to this park before we traveled last year, I am sure we would have stopped more and "ahhh" and "ohhh" some. But we have seen so much beauty in this country already, seen a herd of wild buffalo in Custer Park, seen boulders in Moab that were so much more impressive. I was wondering if our senses were getting dulled. It is a strange thing that the human mind seems to always need something to compare to what you see to give it a value.

The park was nice, but just nothing special. We starting moving again west on Sunday and I was wondering what would be next.