Saturday, April 18, 2009

Where are we?

... still in Mission. I thought we would leave yesterday, however, when you are a full time RVer, you normally try to avoid driving on weekends or in rush hour traffic in a big city. It is nice to be on a leisurely schedule. We also had a nasty storm pass through north of us and we would have been heading right into it. No sense in creating stressful travel when you don't have to and since we don't make reservations at any campground we can leave whenever it is convenient for us.

So we have been busy doing laundry, cleaning house and closing up the coach house for the season. I am getting really excited about getting back on the road. It is hard to believe that we spend six months here. Time sure seems to fly when you get older :-).

Tomorrow will be spend saying goodbye to all our friends that are still down here and wrapping up last minute things. Thanks for stopping by and see you all on the road.


Mike and Pat McFall said...

Doug and Jutta,

Have a safe trip!!

Hugs.......Pat and Mike

Mike McFall said...

Have Fun and carefull,,,,,,

See ya down the Rd......
Or in Mission this fall...
