Texas - The Lonestar State
We got into Texas on Tuesday and spent a couple of days in Livingston. We are life time members in an organization called "Escapees", which are people like us traveling part-time and full-time in the USA. Their headquarters are in Livingston and we introduced ourselves and checked out their services, which includes a care unit for people that are to old to travel, but want to leave in their rigs. It was a good experience.
Afterwards we continued on to Austin to visit with Doug's dad and his new family. It has been a really good visit, we met a lot of new relatives, since Vee (Doug's Dad's wife) has a big family. At this point we are still in Austin and most likely will continue on to New Braunfels on Wednesday to check out a "Wurstfest". Check out the website http://www.newbraunfels.com, it will be an interesting visit. We will continue on to Southern California by beginning of next week...